Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mummy Song

Life can be so heartbreaking sometimes. A little girl in my class just lost her mom to cancer.

Last week, it happened that the Chinese teacher was teaching the children songs and rhyme. Unfortunately, the song the syllabus charted was the all time famous “mommy song”. U know, the one about mummy being the best. Children with mums are precious and those without mums are like grass (if my interpretation is correct). As I listened to the children sing, my heart went out to the little girl. She didn’t show any signs of understanding her situation when she sang that song. I was glad she didn’t comprehend her circumstances as I’m sure she’ll be crying like crazy if she did.

I was careful with what said and did with her so as to not increase her grief. However, no matter how I try, the fact that she has lost a significant part of her life can’t be avoided. I made some cookies with the children and being the responsible teacher I am (ahem!! :Þ) I instructed the children to ask their mummies 1st before eating the cookie.

That little girl in my class put up her hands and asked me, “My mummy die olready. Then I ask who?”. I wanted to kick myself for being so inconsiderate. What would you say to her??

Miracle "What? Mummies die too? No!!!!"


Edr3nK0h said...

oh.. sad to here that.. and.. am sure you'll be having tough time on her..

Leon Lim said...

ouch! That hurts. Really hurst

mitmit said...

Edren, well this little girl is tougher than we all thought. She is able to handle things very well. She's now smiling, laughing and enjoying school as usual.

mitmit said...

Leon, children are an amazing creation of God. All I did was to tell her, "Well, you ask your daddy then".

She was very satisfied with that answer and nodded her head in understanding. This little girl soon came to accept that her mom now resides in heaven. "Fullstop".

Sometimes children are able to see things so clearly and without much complexity.