Monday, September 1, 2008

To leave or not to leave.

I grabbed Miracle and ran as fast as I could to the train waiting to pick up passengers. We were in the zoo and it was raining cats and dogs (pun intended). I had to give myself 2 days of pep talk to decide to come, brave through an hour of traffic jam and spent RM15 to get into this place. There is no way we are going home now despite the heavy rain. I clambered up to the front seat in the train and felt very satisfied with my decision. Now, no one’s gonna call me a quitter.

When the train pulled out of the station, the wind was coming in every direction. My brave but fool hardy decision of sitting in the front row of the tram did not help much. The water was pouring in from the roof and splashing on my face. Miracle was whining coz it’s the first time she’s had rain drops on her cute little head. Something tells me she isn’t enjoying the train ride very much. I calculated that we could see more in the train rather than wait for the rain to stop. Not very wise, my friends. Animals find cover in the rain too. Miracle and I didn’t only get wet; we couldn’t see much of the animals. Also, being the naïve mom I just realized that kids like to look at animals really close and really looong.

Perhaps next time when I pray for good weather (not hot), I should mention something about rain too. Anyway, I couldn’t have a drenched baby in my hand so thankfully I had spare clothes with me. Words of wisdom from my mom in law: “Bring plenty of clothes!!”. After changing Miracle and feeding her, it was drizzling. I thought I had better get the umbrella from my car and so exited the zoo.

Would you believe it? The moment I reached the last shaded stop near the car park, it poured. Just like that! So now I had 2 choices. The first one was run in the car with baby and go home; we’ll be wet and I don’t have anymore spare clothes. The second one is to go back to the zoo while my ticket is still valid and wait; it may be a long wait.

My stubbornness served me well this time. After an hour of waiting, it finally drizzled. I rented an umbrella and enjoyed a romantic walk at the zoo with my little baby. I’m hoping to publish another chapter of Miracle’s Mischieves ‘comic’. If you want to know about our romantic walk, come back to my blog in another blue moon. You know lar, Photoshop and Illustrator not easy to use. Even with my expert hubby behind my back, I still need to work many things out! Hehehe!!


robin in a tree said...

Hey, hebatlah you. For not giving up, I salute you :p Heheh...maybe Miracle will grow up loving the rain. And nice pic by the way.Very nice.

mitmit said...

Thanks robin. Picture courtesy of Gettyimages. :)